Claudia, a single mom of two from South America, came to InStepp Inc. as a victim of domestic violence. Read about her stages of growth as she moved through InStepp’s Nueva Vida program.
How InStepp Empowers Women to Succeed
Here are testimonials from some of our clients who made positive changes in their lives after receiving long-term support from one of our programs. The names of the clients have been changed to protect their confidentiality.
Roberta’s Story: “A More Positive Future”
Roberta, a single, 30 year-old, high school graduate, was four and a half months pregnant with her second child when she enrolled into the New Choices program. Read about her journey towards a more positive future.
Miriyam’s Story: “A More Confident Life”
Miriyam is a 69 year-old, separated, high school graduate and Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) from Peru with very basic English skills. Due to her limited English and lack of knowledge of the area in which she lived, Miriyam’s life basically revolved around her home and grandchildren. She was afraid to leave her house. Read how […]