On June 18th, President Biden announced a program that could grant lawful permanent residency to hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens— the most sweeping immigrant protections in a decade. The Biden administration estimates the “parole in place” program will offer amnesty, and a path to legal permanent residency, to 500,000 spouses of […]
Spotlight News
What does Supreme Court decision on guns and domestic violence mean for NC?
A landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 21st reaffirmed that it does not violate the Second Amendment to prohibit people accused or convicted of domestic violence from owning firearms. The decision in United States v. Rahimi is notable for what it could have done but did not do — namely, strike down laws aimed […]
Gender, family, reproductive issues and the 2024 election
Biden and Trump voters differ sharply over the state of women’s progress in the U.S., as well as over whether society should prioritize marriage and children. Yet majorities of both candidates’ supporters say that the gains women have made in society have not come at the expense of men. Nearly two years after the Supreme […]