Is making the right food choices important? Do I need to be aware of the kinds of foods I am eating? Why should I stress about it? Is eating what I want a big deal? I have asked myself these questions and now, along with you, I will find the answers to them and the […]
The InStepp Blog: Our Perspective
Visit the InStepp Blog often to get our perspective on issues and local events. Our bloggers continually scan the internet looking for news, ideas and other information of potential interest to our readers.
United Way Contributing to Health Care Premiums
A new resource is being offered by the United Way of the Greater Triangle to help low-income families pay for health insurance. In essence, they serve as a third party payer for six Blue Cross silver-level plans (and they are hoping to add other companies soon) to cover the costs of the premium for eligible […]
Welcome to the InStepp Blog
Welcome to Our Perspective, the InStepp Blog. Initially, this blog will be updated on a bi-weekly basis. We hope to increase the frequency of our posts as time goes on. Our volunteer bloggers will be blogging about issues relevant to our mission and issues that are relevant to the client populations that we serve which […]